Which job would you love to wake up and do every day? If you're unsure, check out these questions to get your brain whirring towards your dream job.

June 10, 2020
June 26, 2023
Upskilling And Reskilling

Most of us have an idea of what our dream job would be. For some of us, we’ve always wanted this dream job since we were a little kid, and for others our career path has evolved in such a way that we now want this dream role.

However, there are also those of us who really have no idea what our dream job looks like.Whatever the idea of a dream job means to you, we want to help you visualise it. We’re looking at how to define and understand your dream role, in order to help you drive towards it.

Ask Yourself Some Key Questions

First things first, it’s time to get real about what a dream job means to you. The only thing that’s worse than not having a goal, is having a goal that you reach only to realise that you probably didn't actually want that goal at all.

Take a look at some of the questions that you can ask yourself to get a better picture of your dream role and why it might be meaningful for you.

What are your values?

When considering how to define a dream role, it can be useful to look at what your values are and how the role might align with those values. For example, if you’re passionate about looking after people and giving back to society, a role in nursing might align with your values. Alternatively, if your values lean more towards being financially well off, then a role in banking or finance might be more suited to you.

There are a lot of interesting ways to conceptualise a dream role, but values have to play a big part in that. Ultimately, your values will dictate how comfortable you feel in that role and how well you can perform it. If you find something that aligns with your values, you are much more likely to excel in that role.

What interests you?

In order to do well in a role, and to enjoy it fully, you will need to be interested in it. Think about what interests you, and how you could use that interest to help you discover your dream role.

There are so many jobs out there, and even on a smaller scale within our organisations there are a variety of jobs that will suit your interest areas. Finding out what those interests are is one of the key steps to moulding an idea of a dream role.

What lifestyle would you like?

Often, when thinking about a dream role we forget that lifestyle can be more important than the role itself. When visualising our future, it can be helpful to think about things in terms of lifestyle.

Asking what we actually want our lives to look like and then working backwards to meet those goals is a very useful way to look at it.Once you’ve realised what lifestyle you want, take steps to discover the kind of jobs that will allow you to live that lifestyle. This can be a powerful way to make decisions about the career goals you want to set.

How Can We Find Our Dream Role?

Learning and development is heavily linked to helping people discover their dream roles and ensuring that they have the tools to succeed. As HR leaders it is our responsibility to put the right people in the right roles, and then give them the tools to succeed.

For more information on how HowNow can help you and your employees reach your career goals, take a look at our about page.